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Oliver S u k r o w – “Planning Hygiea”. Eugen Fassbender’s Regulatory Plan for the Spa Town Lázně Jeseník/Gräfenberg and the Hygienic Town Planning in the Late Austrian-Hungarian Empire

Melinda H a r l o v-C s o r t á n – The Hungarian monument protection between 1957 to 1990 through the lens of its professional journal 

Iwona B a r a ń s k a – The Activity of the Warsaw Society for the Encouragment of Fine Arts and Society of Friends of Fine Arts in Cracow From the Perspective of Kalisz According to Reports in “Kaliszanin” 

Remigiusz G r o c h o w i a k – Plans for Establishment of Cable-Cars in Kalisz Between 1900 and 1914 

Mateusz R a b i e g a – Post-1914 Rebuilding of the Centre of Kalisz From
the Point of View of German Preservationist Julius Kohte

Anna T a b a k a – Theatre for All? A Clash Over the Role of Municipal
Theatre in Kalisz Framed Within the Socio-Political Discussions of the 1930s. A Reconnaissance 

Anna T a b a k a – A Manipulated Promotion of a City. From the Political Genealogy of the “Ptolemeo’s Calisia” 

Bogumiła C e l e r – Art of (un) famous women. Set designer Aniela Wojciechowska in the light of unique historic collection of the Alfons Parczewski Pedagogical Library in Kalisz

Teresa S o k ó ł – Protestants in the Region of Kalisz from 16th to 18th Century
and Their Sacral Architecture: an Outline

Dominika P ł ó c i e n n i c z a k – Rural Wooden Architecture of the Kalisz and Sieradz Regions Preserved in Museums. An Introduction to Comparative History of Peasant’s Architecture in the Kalisz Governorate 

Marta G o ł e m b i e w s k a – From the History of the Roman-Catholic Parish and Its Medieval Church in Stawiszyn from 1880 to 1940. An Introduction to Research


Makary G ó r z y ń s k i – Research project „Town planning in the Polish Kingdom at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: between urbanism and administration”



Stanisław Małyszko, In the Land of Memory. Cemeteries and Burial Sites of
Kalisz of Bygone and of Contemporary Times, Kalisz: Muzeum Okręgowe
Ziemi Kaliskiej 2021, p. 303, fig. Remarks on the margins of the book (Maciej




Conference of the Polish Firefighters Association „Rycerze świętego Floriana –
Bogu na chwałę ludziom na pożytek. W stulecie związku OSP RP”, Warszawa,
24 IV 2021 – Marcin Mikołajczyk 

70th IAML Congress 2021 (IAML-Music Librarians, Archivists and
Information Specialists of the World), 26-30 VII 2021 – Bogumiła Celer 

69th Conference of the Society of Art Historians „Historia sztuki jako
instytucja”, Warszawa 25-26 XI 2021 – Makary Górzyński



Hipolit Raubo (1934-2018) – Jadwiga Raubo 

Zbyszko Szmaj (1935-2021) – Ewa Obała, Maja Żeśko


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